Monday, August 8, 2022

Clamour and Mischief Cover Reveal

 So I'll be trying something newish with this blog. Instead of posting the update of deadlines and all that in every single post, I'll keep it in its own post. For other chatter, I'll make separate posts. Today's chatter regards my forthcoming story in Clamour and Mischief from Clan Destine Press and edited by Narrelle M. Harris. Narrelle has just revealed the cover in full and I am so excited about it. So many birds clamouring for our attention! Thank you Andrea L Farley (aka Altocello) for the beautiful artwork on this anthology.

I'm thrilled to have my story published in this anthology; it seems like such a perfect fit. Well, granted this was a anthology invite which I wrote a completely fresh story for, but it also gave me an excellent opportunity to expand the story world that readers already saw in Stone Shaper Tanukis Estranged (published in Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging - Volume Blue from Improbable Press).

I will share the release date for Clamour and Mischief at a later date, but for now, please enjoy the cover reveal below:

Clamour and Mischief cover with many birds, corvids to be exact, flying around the cloudy sky. Lots of black wings against the blue and white clouds.